At The Burkitt Center for Comprehensive Dentistry, we believe routine dental care should be accessible and affordable for everyone, even patients without dental insurance coverage. Plus, with the rising cost of dental insurance plans, and the limited benefits offered, even if you do have dental insurance, it may not be as helpful as you had hoped. To address these concerns, we have created a loyalty program for patients who have inadequate or no dental coverage. Our Loyalty Plan offers:
For patients who receive regular cleanings and do not have periodontal disease.
2 Professional dental cleanings
2 Doctor exams
3D Head and neck x-ray and bitewings
1 Emergency exam
10% off additional treatment
1 Fluoride treatment
This membership can be purchased for each family member if desired
For patients who have been treated for
periodontal disease
4 Periodontal maintenance cleanings
2 Doctor exams
3D Head & neck x-ray and bitewings
1 Emergency exam
10% off additional treatment
1 Fluoride treatment
Payment is kindly due at time of service
Exclusions and Limitations: